(Spicy food, Carrot, Asparagus, Sugar Free Drink & Gum) Many people take care of ‘foods that are good for the body’ or ‘nutritional supplements’ for health. However, there are cases in which the food eaten for health or the food eaten normally causes unexpected ‘side effects’.
Anyone can see that if you eat unhealthy food and have a problem, you can easily cope with it, but if you eat healthy food and have a problem, it is not easy to find the cause. Today, let’s look at foods that can cause side effects by just eating without being aware of it.
1. Spicy food with red pepper powder
If you can’t sleep at night even though you haven’t had coffee, unexpectedly ‘spicy food’ or ‘sauce’ may be the cause. This is because you need to regulate your body temperature to fall asleep. Eating spicy foods can affect this process of regulating your body temperature and disrupt your sleep.
There are several reasons why it’s not recommended to eat spicy food in the evening.
Sleep disturbances: The compound called capsaicin found in spicy food can stimulate the nervous system, potentially leading to difficulty falling asleep and reduced sleep quality.
Digestive issues: Spicy food can increase stomach acid production, which may result in indigestion, chest discomfort, heartburn, and other unpleasant symptoms. Consuming spicy food in the evening can put a strain on the digestive system over time.
Dehydration: Spicy food can stimulate sweating, leading to increased fluid loss from the body. Eating spicy food in the late evening may result in more frequent trips to the bathroom during sleep, potentially impacting sleep quality.
Digestive discomfort: Spicy food can cause digestive discomfort in some individuals. Eating spicy food in the evening, especially if proper digestion doesn’t occur, can disrupt sleep.
Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming spicy food during evening meals. If you crave spicy flavors, it is better to have a light meal or consume them in the afternoon. Additionally, individual reactions may vary, so it’s important to listen to your body and make appropriate food choices based on your own sensations.
2. Carrot
Carrot, which is rich in beta-carotene, is good for eye health, but if you eat too much, your palms and soles can turn yellow and even cause lung cancer. Skin color changes occur when beta-carotene accumulates under the skin, so eating a lot of beta-carotene-rich sweet potatoes or pumpkins can cause similar symptoms.
In addition, high intake of beta-carotene has been shown to increase the risk of lung cancer. In a related study, beta-carotene was administered in large doses to reduce the incidence of lung cancer in people with a high probability of developing lung cancer. As a result, it is said that this experiment was stopped early because the result of the lung cancer incidence of beta-carotene users was significantly higher.
3. Asparagus
Asparagus is low in calories but rich in nutrients, making it a popular diet food. However, some people may experience side effects. The side effect is that 15 to 30 minutes after eating asparagus, urine smells strange. This is said to be caused by the digestion of sulfur-containing compounds in asparagus.
In the process of digesting asparagus, ‘methanethiol’ is generated. This component is excreted through urine and sweat, and ‘methanethiol’ is very similar to the smell of a skunk’s fart, so whenever you urinate or sweat, you may smell uncomfortable.
Since asparagus has a diuretic effect, it is not recommended to consume asparagus in the evening. Diuretic action refers to an action that induces the body to produce and excrete more urine. So, if you eat asparagus for dinner, you may have to go to the bathroom frequently during sleep, which can reduce the quality of your sleep.
4. Sugar Free Drink & Gum
Sugar-free drinks or chewing gum that lacks sugar can also cause problems. Sugar-free drinks usually contain artificial sweeteners to replace them. Among them, sorbitol may cause diarrhea. This is the information revealed by researchers at the University of Berlin in Germany. Because sorbitol is difficult to absorb in the intestines and plays a role in drawing moisture in the blood to the intestines, excessive intake causes diarrhea.
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